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Rules & The Board

Club Standing Rules

In order to manage the courts the following rules are strictly enforced:


I. General Rules

  1. Members and guests must book court time in advance.

  2. Adult members, juniors, guests, and non-members have an equal right to the courts. Scheduled instruction on courts that are designated for instruction at times designated for instruction on those courts, club-approved classes, club-approved league matches, and club-approved tournaments, and club-approved court rentals have priority over other play.

  3. Dogs are not allowed on the premises. Skateboards, bicycles, black-soled shoes, and small non-playing children are not allowed on the courts.

  4. Children under 12 years of age may use the courts only when supervised by a responsible adult


II. Court Sign-up Rules

  1. Reservations must be coordinated with the club through the accepted reservation system.

  2. Tennis reservations may not be booked for longer than 1.5 hours.

  3. Tennis reservations may not be booked more than precisely 3 days before the desired start date and time.

  4. Players are responsible for canceling their reservations as soon as they are aware they will not be able to play. A pattern of no-shows will result in restricted court use.

  5. Players may not play in back-to-back tennis reservations extending longer than 1.5 hours in a row (except in cases stated otherwise).

  6. Players may finish their game or tiebreak as no-ad before being bumped. It is a courtesy not to enter a court until the game is completed.

  7. If players are more than 10 minutes late to their reserved court time, the reservation will be forfeited and opened to other players to book. The no-show will be recorded.

  8. If players leave a court for more than 10 minutes without notifying the court supervisor, the remainder of the reservation will be forfeited and opened for other players to book.

  9. A pattern of no-shows is defined as 2 within 60 days.

  10. Restricted court use is defined as the inability to reserve a court for 7 days.

  11. Back-to-back reservations include reservations with less than 1 hour between the end of one and the start of the next.


III. Ball Machine Sign-Up Rules

  1. The ball machine may be used on courts 1, 2, and 3.

  2. A guest using the ball machine with a member must pay the guest fee; ball machine rental fees are the responsibility of the member.

  3. If use of the ball machine is desired during a reservation, it must be indicated when the reservation is booked. If the ball machine is only desired for a portion of a reservation, the start and end time of that portion must be specified.

  4. Persons under 14 years of age may rent the ball machine only when supervised by a responsible adult.


IV. Rules for League Play (Resolution 2016-3)

  1. The Board of Directors by majority vote can designate a league as a "recognized league."

  2. The addition of a new team, in a recognized league, requires approval from both the club manager and the Director of Leagues. Team captains are responsible for seeking this approval. Two weeks' notice of intent to add a new team is required before the starting date of the relevant league.

  3. The name of an approved new team requires approval by the Board of Directors. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Names are required to be in keeping with the ethos of the club as a community tennis facility catering to adults and youth.

  4. Recognized league play involving teams of more than two players during club hours must coordinate the use of PBTC courts with the club manager.

  5. Upon receiving clearance for court use, team captains must submit to the PBTC League Coordinator their i) team roster and ii) match schedule. Team rosters must be submitted for approval at least 3 days in advance of the official entry deadline established by the league organization.

  6. A minimum of 60% of the players on a league team must be current PBTC members. Non-members are required to pay PBTC a $50 Seasonal Club League Fee (SCLF) prior to the season’s start date. It is a team captain’s responsibility to assure PBTC membership compliance and payment of the SCLF by all players on their roster.

  7. The SCLF is an opportunity for a non-member to play a league season @ $50 per team. This is a non-member status. It entitles court use only during league matches; guest fees are required at all other times. A non-member may play on several teams during the active season; each additional team during that one season requires an additional $50 fee. This/these fee(s) can be applied cumulatively towards a full membership for the current year. In the event that new players, who are not members of PBTC, are added to a roster during the mid-season window period, these players will be required to pay $25 per team instead of the $50 per team required at the beginning of the season. All the same restrictions that apply to non-member league players apply to players added mid-season.

  8. At no time will a recognized league occupy more than 3 courts during the time of play of the league matches. If additional courts are open, league players may practice on those open courts provided that they notify the court supervisor and either (i) pay appropriate non-member guest fees or (ii) vacate upon request the courts to any other member or guest paying fees who wishes to use the court.

  9. Opponents of PBTC members in a recognized league match who play at PBTC do not have to pay guest fees.

  10. League play within leagues that are not recognized by the Board of Directors in advance are to be handled the same as all normal play at the club.

  11. Players competing in PBTC flex league matches may book back-to-back reservations as long as no more than 1.5 hours is reserved for the match before 12:30 pm on weekends or after 4:30 pm on weekdays. If the match completes early, it is the players' responsibility to cancel any remaining reservations.





WHEREAS the Pacific Beach Tennis Club (PBTC) Board of Directors from time to time finds it necessary to adopt resolutions concerning Club policy and operations; and

WHEREAS existing resolutions are discovered from time to time; and

WHEREAS such resolutions may be forgotten or be unknown to future Boards of Directors causing unnecessary readdressing of policy decisions;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED each resolution adopted by the Board of Directors be assigned an identity number consisting of the current calendar year and a sequence number one (1) greater than the number of resolutions previously adopted during the calendar year. Discovered existing resolutions shall be like identified with the additional statement “Restated and Reaffirmed as YYYY-n”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this resolution shall contain a complete list of resolutions and each adopted resolution shall imply an addition to this list and each canceled resolution shall imply a termination notice to this list; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED for filing, reproduction, and distribution purposes all resolutions be filed and stored along with the minutes of the Board of Directors ; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that unless the Board of Directors votes by majority to terminate any or all Club resolutions that all remaining resolutions are in effect.



2016-1 Resolution Concerning Resolutions, Resolution Concerning Standing Rules (Adopted 1/28/16)

2016-2 Resolution Concerning Rules for League Play (Adopted 2/1/16)

2016-3 Resolution Concerning Rules for League Play (Adopted 3/22/16, IV, 7 Amended 10/5/16,  Amended 3/1/2019)

2020-1 Resolution Concerning Reservation System (Adopted 5/20/2020, II. 6. Amended 6/9/2020, II. 3. Amended 6/15/2020, II. 5. Amended 12/8/2020, II. 7. Amended 12/8/2020, II. 11. Added 12/8/2020, II. 12. Added 12/8/2020, II. 13. Added 12/8/2020, II. 14. Added 12/8/2020, III. 11. Amended 12/8/2020, II. 7. Amended 2/8/2021, II. 8. Removed 2/8/2021 wherein II. 9-13. were subsequently decremented, II. 10. Amended 6/15/2021, II. 6. Removed 6/15/2021 wherein II. 7-12 were subsequently decremented, II.3. Amended 3/8/2023)

2023-1 Resolution Concerning Junior members (Adopted 1/12/2023, I.4. Removed wherein I.5 was subsequently decremented)



WHEREAS it is desirable for access to the PBTC tennis courts to be orderly and predictable; and

WHEREAS established rules are necessary to this purpose;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED the following standing rules be established, prominently displayed at the Club, on the Club’s website, and published in the annual club directory if applicable.

PBTC Code of Conduct

PBTC Membership Disciplinary and Appeal Procedure

PBTC Waiver Assumption

The Board

The Board of Directors is made up of members of the Pacific Beach Tennis Club. All board members volunteer their time, with each board member serving a two-year term starting in January. Board meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month at 5:45 pm online using Club members, as well as the general public, are welcome to attend. Reach out to for more information or with any questions/concerns.


Pacific Beach Tennis Club Board of Directors 2024

President: Bert Benevento

Vice President: Leslie Sauer

Treasurer: James Irwin

Secretary: Lucas Heilman

Director: Tim Searcy

Director: Gary Kent

Director: Ciara Levine

Club By-Laws


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